It's never going to stop being a problem. I wish I could just stop thinking about it. I might die; I kinda hope I do.

My mouth tastes bad.

Lots of other things are terrible; being in pain makes me have no tolerance for anything else. I can't stand the sound of human voices when I'm like this. It's a bad trait, I know. I'd rather be alone.

I saw a feral cat today; I'd been seeing cat tracks outside for a while. I think it might have kittens somewhere.

The dewberry bushes have flowers on them. I like picking dewberries. We'll eat them with yogurt.

I'm going to write a Digimon fanfic. I have a good idea for one; I don't know what else to do. I need to get something out there. Whatever, it doesn't matter. It's just for me, really. I'll put it somewhere so it could be possible that other people will read it; whatever.